Discover The Habits of Mind You Didn't Even Know You Have.

Accurately dubbed the "X-Ray of The Brain", the Habit Finder Assessment reveals the hidden subconscious habits of thinking that are holding you back... in less than 10 minutes.

What we've learned from over 2 million dollars of research, 20 years of experience, and the 200,000 achievers who've taken this mind-bending test before you is...

The fastest way to ensure you experience the greatest levels of success, happiness, freedom, and fulfillment you are capable of achieving is to focus on discovering and addressing the subconscious thought patterns and habits of thinking that are both serving you and secretly sabotaging you.

This assessment, which has taken years of scientific research and over 2 million dollars to develop will reveal to you your subconscious habits of mind so you can begin the process of eliminating the ones that are sabotaging you, while doubling down on and strengthening the ones that are serving you, therefore allowing you to hit any goal you set for yourself faster than you ever thought possible, while enjoying the journey.

Identify & Shift Habits from Self-Sabotage to Self-Starting.

Through disruptive innovation, scientific measurement, transformational coaching, mindset calibration, and intrinsic connections, Habit Finder equips and empowers people to step into their real, genuine, authentic selves.

There are no "right" or "wrong" habits, but there are habits that support your goals and habits that are sabotaging you.

Knowing your habits and how they are working in your life helps you to become more successful.

About the 
Habit Finder Assessment

The Habit Finder Assessment has been coined the "un-personality test". The Habit Finder does not reveal who you are or what you think. Instead, it sheds light on your unconscious tendencies and HOW you think. Unlike countless personality assessments on the market, your Habit Finder profile accurately reveals your unique patterns of thinking and how they influence the habits you have developed throughout your lifetime.

Your assessment will present you with a series of statements to respond to, with each response representing a mathematical value. Mathematics ensure your responses do not get measured by normative values such as how things "should" or "ought to be," which things are good or bad, or which answers are right or wrong. The assessment is purely mathematical, even though the results feel magical.

With over six quadrillion objective variations, no two Habit Finder Profile results are the same. The volume of insight and data assessed within the Habit Finder will help you achieve a whole new level of self-awareness.

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